Community Engagement

We're seeking community input to identify an ideal future direction. 

The community vision is the core of the plan. Your involvement and feedback is key to understanding where we, as a community, want to be in 20-30 years.

To do this, the planning team will be visiting Tularosa to talk with folks about issues, opportunities, and vision for the future. Stay tuned for upcoming engagement opportunities!

Upcoming Engagement Opportunities

Community Workshop


Previous Engagement Opportunities

Tularosa Winter Festival

Saturday, December 7th, from 10am-5pm

Come and find our booth at the Christmas Bazaar - We'll have snacks and opportunities to learn about the Comprehensive Plan Update. We'd love to chat and hear about your experiences and vision for the future of Tularosa!

Pop-Up Events

Sunday, December 8th, from 10-5pm

Missed us at the market? The Planning Team will be touring Tularosa and would love to chat with people to understand what folks hope to see in the future of this community. 

What We Heard: First Visit Report
