Why is this happening?

The Village of Tularosa is required to have a comprehensive planning document per state law. These plans are typically updated every 5 years to reflect changing demographics or needs. The Village's last plan update was in 2002. 

Who is doing this?

The Village of Tularosa is working with an Albuquerque-based community planning firm, SITES Southwest. Two planners, Allie Caskey and Allison Long, will be working on this plan. 

What happens when the plan is finished?

The Village will formally adopt the plan through an ordinance process, acknowledging the plan as the long-term guiding document to align decisions and investments. 

What if I have questions?

We want to be sure that people understand what's going on with this project and can meaningfully participate in shaping the plan. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Allie Caskey at acaskey@sites-sw.com, or, leave a comment in the online form and we will get back to you ASAP. 

What if I have an idea? 

We want to hear from you! This plan can reflect the barriers and opportunities that you - as individuals, residents, organizations, and stakeholders - can reflect the barriers and opportunities as you understand them. 

You can reach out directly at acaskey@sites-sw.com, or, leave a comment in the online form and we will get back to you ASAP.