Village of Tularosa
Comprehensive Plan Update
The Village of Tularosa is updating its comprehensive plan!
Welcome to the Tularosa Comprehensive Plan update project website! You can use this page to learn about the planning process and stay up-to-date on the plan updates and public engagement opportunities.
What is a comprehensive plan?
It is a policy document for Tularosa's future community development.
A comprehensive plan looks comprehensively at how a community can achieve the future they want to see, ranging from the local economy and businesses, to parks and public facilities and housing.
This plan will identify local needs as well as a community vision, and provide strategies to achieve broader goals. The Village can use this type of plan to make decisions related to public investments in programming and facilities.
It is comprehensive....
The plan assesses and evaluates the following community elements
Land Use
Zoning and land use regulations, future growth planning...
Natural Resources
Water, air, land, soil, conservation, protection, sustainability...
Economic Development
Local and regional industries, workforce development, education, tourism, outdoor recreation...
Housing stock, physical conditions, affordability, home ownership, rental units...
Community Facilities & Services
Village facilities, schools, parks, senior center, library...
Historic Preservation
Historic districts, landmarks, preservation incentives...
Hazard Mitigation
Emergency preparedness, drought, extreme heat, floods, storms...
Transportation & Infrastructure
Roadways, water and sewer systems, public utilities...
Why does it matter?
The comprehensive plan guides Village-level decision-making and investments toward a community-determined future.
The needs and opportunities in your community must be identified to begin making meaningful progress toward addressing them.
This plan determines the priority actions the Village should be taking toward a 20-30 year vision.
Local organizations can also use the plan in grant or funding applications to demonstrate public support for specific projects or goals.
Your Opinion Matters!
We're seeking your input to identify a community vision.
The community vision is the core of the plan. Your involvement and feedback is key to understanding where we, as a community, want to be in 20-30 years.
To do this, the planning team will be visiting Tularosa to talk with folks about issues, opportunities, and vision for the future. Stay tuned for upcoming engagement opportunities!
Upcoming Engagement Opportunities
Community Workshop
Spring 2025 - STAY TUNED!
We're taking the winter to work on the plan.... but we'll be back!
In the spring, there will be a community workshop to refine the plan's vision, goals, and actions.
We still want to hear from you! What are your priorities? What projects, programs, or actions should be pursued first?
Questions, comments, or ideas?
You can use this question and comment form to give feedback online.
Project Timeline
Winter '24
Existing Conditions
Spring '24
Visioning and Strategizing
Summer '25
Plan Adoption!